The way we cooperate.
Between us and with you.
Our culture.

Wheel? Not reinvent, but adapt!

We are not shy to make our manufacturing system follow the principles of Apple. When building management and culture of WeDeliver!, inspiration shouted into our Czech faces = the work of Tomáš Baťa and Jan Antonín Baťa (pictured).

The Bata company became the largest and most prosperous world company of the 1920s and 1930s during decades of economic crises.

Our Cooperation. Our values.

Inspired by Bata, we are constantly fine-tuning our adaptation of their rules to the 21st century. WeDeliver! team on the quest for self-confidence by improving the working lives of others.

1. You get what you give.

Everyone wants to flourish, build body and spirit. It helps a lot if you earn more with work that is increasingly interesting and comfortable, and you shop for less but in better quality. You are an important part of WeDeliver! If our work helps customers flourish, you will flourish too.

2. Our business friends need to flex about all the work they’ve got from us.

We will achieve this if our services bring them benefits and are always delivered in perfect quality, on time and at the best price. Our work is a brand that is admired.

3. Self-confidence and well-being to each of us ...

... and our families will be brought by customer satisfaction with our work.

4. Be positively lazy.

Every invention to make your work faster and more convenient while maintaining quality means increasing the efficiency of our work. And that is the only way to simultaneously satisfy two common desires: the customer wants our service cheaper, we want a higher wage.

You're not alone. As WeDeliver!, we will educate the team and acquire or directly develop the most modern technologies.

5. You gain respect by putting your talent and knowledge in action.

Work for customers, even if it is small, but honestly and properly performed, is what ensures an individual's place in human society. Education, talent, knowledge do not entitle anyone to claim a salary, much less to claim the respect of others. Our reward corresponds to the work we do to help others solve their tasks and needs. (J.A.Baťa)

6. WeDeliver! is a living organism

Nobody wants to be a gear in some well-oiled machinery. We want a company organized and behaving like an organism, learning, adapting and self-organizing. So it will be immune to economic diseases.
Baťa: Organization of people and technologies, united to serve the existence of other people and to secure their own existence through this service.

7. Our company lives only on what it earns.

Any improvement in WeDeliver! fate, its working conditions, offices, workshops and technology can only be achieved through the work of our heads and hands. The company is exposed to all the currents of life, both favorable and unfavorable. If we want to succeed, we must face good and bad circumstances together.

8. You make the quality of WeDeliver! work.

Quality is not just the result of verification before sending it to the customer. Do your work the way the next co-worker needs it. Don't continue with the bad work that gets to you.

9. Plan. Follow it.

Preparing a plan and following it is the essence of the success of any group activity. Going over the plan is often as bad as lagging behind. Both put the collaborating groups in a state of uncertainty.

It's like an alpine hike. Really.
A flexible attitude is required. You don't plan every step, you plan stages.

Only a fool sticks to a plan when conditions change. Be weather-ready. Leader makes sure that all hikers are properly equipped and prepared – physically, mentally and emotionally.
Plan: The right distance and elevation for your abilities and for weather forecast. Specific places and intervals to regroup. Bail out options. Turnaround time. Special gear needs.

10. Our Nature.

We only have one nature. Let's treat it with care. Therefore, reducing the impact of our work on nature is part of our continuous improvement. We want to leave our children an environment in which they will be able to use the results of our work for their well-being.
Don't forget your contribution!
The WeDeliver! ecosystem you are building, with its emphasis on regionalization, scalability and flexibility, significantly reduces the impact of supply chains on nature.

Bata Management System

resilient, flexible, human-oriented company

There is something about Baťa

* Average weekly salary in France 373 CZK  / in CZ 270 CZK

J. A. Baťa, who supplied the world with shoes, wrote the books „Collaboration“ or „Industrial City“, and this philosophy was the basis for his success culminating in the founding of industrial suburbs in countries including Netherlands or Great Britain and especially whole new cities in Brazil (Batatuba, Mariopolis, Bataguassú, Bataypora).

We quote a lot from the article, which is a great TL;DR summary of the Bata Management System: Zeleny, M. (2010). Bata Management System: A Built-In Resilience against Crisis at the Micro Level. AUCO Czech Economic Review 4 (2010), 102-117

The 10 Building Blocks of Bata's Wonder. 1933.


World Class

Global benchmarking. Comparing oneself with the best in the world. Bata was probably the first "global company" to consider the whole world as its market space. Benchmarking was contractually required of Bata's top employees.



Inside and outside the company. Competition must be complemented by cooperation. Jan Baťa even wrote a book called Cooperation, a true treasure for every manager. Every company is only as good as the network of cooperation of which it is a part.



Shop autonomy. Internal markets. Self- management of departments and business units. Bata's shop network was a network of franchisees, de facto independent entrepreneurs, united by competitive and cooperative motives.


Internal Competition

Internal benchmarking. Baťa practiced open book policy. Those who are not competitive, those who do not show results, cannot cooperate. Without competition (competitiveness), there is no cooperation, and vice versa.



Balanced system of all dimensions. All company units must work together to create added value so that both parties to any intra-company transaction must "win", otherwise such a transaction would be useless.


Not Workers. Associates.

Co-entrepreneurship. The term associate was strictly used to refer to an employee. The customer makes the entrepreneur, and the customer – his master – must be satisfied by the entrepreneur. Every employee had his own customer, inside or outside the company.



Employee's participation in the profits of self-governing workshops. Managers also had a share in the losses. Without participation, it is impossible to demand joint responsibility for the entrusted funds.



Make a worker a capitalist. The valorization of human capital, i.e. human knowledge, is the purpose of the valorization of financial capital, not the other way around. In addition to their salary, each employee had an account in the company bank, where shares in the profits were deposited.  


Self government

Baťa's company was a private corporation, not a public joint-stock company. Ownership functions were concentrated in corporate "insiders". Thanks to its own company bank, the company was independent of banks.


Service to the public

The purpose of business.  Bata merged 3 traditional purposes - Dominance of shareholder or customer or employee. That allowed him to use three powerful means-money, quality and employee loyalty-to achieve his tradeoffs-free goal.

Process. THE repeatable one.
Nothing get lost in translation
or translation.

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Provide employees anywhere in the world with exactly the same information and support, ensuring the same quality of service to customers. Level playing field.

Cryptocurrencies Supported Icon - Starter X Webflow Template

Solution 1933

A Book.

  • Hundreds of thousands of workers around the world will receive exactly the same instructions for their work.
  • All workplaces and stores around the world have the same layout and use the same tools.
  • Wherever you are in the world, the customer receives the same quality service. Every worker is evaluated according to the same rules and has same chances.
Earnings Icon - Starter X Webflow Template

Solution 2021

An iPad. Top upgrade!

  • Automation of a large part of the tasks and their evaluation. In real time.
  • User-friendly access to information and inputs. Easy feedback and immediate response. Connected teams everywhere in the world. In real time.
  • Information is distributed instantly and at significantly lower costs.

1933. Precise manuals as Bata did it.

  • A glimpse into the Shoe Repair Workers' Handbook.
  • A quick look into the Salesperson's Manual

Shoe Repair Workers' Handbook

Layout for shoe repair shops, depending on turnover.

Layout for storing hand-held overhead material

Composition of the machines used in the workshop

Machines: Set up.

Machines: Maintenance.

Specific types of repair:
step-by-step instructions

Workstation layout
for shoe upper color repair

Material consumption standards

Overhead material standards, wage calculation

Salesperson's Manual

Dress code.

What a salesperson must have in their pocket.

Shop window arrangement. Standardized tools.

Specific designs for arrangements and slogans.

Mandatory layout for storing goods with a time standard.

Mandatory layout for storing administration and accounting.

Mandatory layout of internal correspondence.

Expertise: How to measure a customer's feet.

Expertise: How to choose the type of shoe for a foot shape

Expertise: Samples of materials used for shoe uppers

Expertise: Weekly Financial Statement Template

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